Construction surveying is the process of translating construction plans into physical points on the ground that is used as a basis for the actual construction. This type of surveying operates in all three dimensions, providing not only the horizontal location of new improvements, but also the vertical information required to ensure that surfaces will drain or that pipes will flow as required.

Survey measurements made prior to or while construction is in progress is used to control elevation, horizontal position, dimensions, and configuration, i.e. stakeout of line and grade for buildings, fences, roads, etc.

CONSTRUCTION STAKE OUT is Performed when a surveyor takes information from an approved set of plans, typically provided by an engineer, planner or architect, and marks the information on the ground, usually with wooden stakes, nails to show contractors where to build or excavate. Vertical control points such as BENCHMARKS are also provided at the same time. We perform stake out surveys for new foundations, piles, utilities and many others.

The results of construction surveying can be seen everywhere – virtually all buildings, roadways, and other man-made improvements involve some amount of construction surveying.

Ferrantello Group, P.C. has one of the best known construction surveying divisions in the New York Metro Area, and has provided construction surveying services on some of the largest and most celebrated construction projects in New York City, including City Parks and famous Land marks around the city.

Ferrantello Group, P.C. specializes in high-rise construction layout. We provide:

  • Block Surveys to establish right-of-way limits of city blocks
  • Column Line and Building Corner Staking
  • Pile, Pile Cap & Footing Staking
  • Pile As-Built Surveys
  • Anchor Bolt and Template As-Built Surveys
  • Horizontal Grid and Vertical Control for multiple floors on metal decking & concrete decking
  • Steel & Concrete Column Plumb Reports
  • Mullion Alignment Surveys
  • Utility & Finish Grade Staking
  • Interior Layout and As-built conditions
  • Interior and Exterior Architectural Building Surveys
  • As-Builts and Space Validation
  • Facade Surveys
  • Monitoring Structural & Ground - Lateral Movement Diagram Surveys
  • Earth Removal
  • Dredging - Souding - Water Depths & Locations
  • Mining
  • Utility mapping and Layout
  • NYC Builders Pavement Plans
  • R.O.W. & Route Surveys
  • Proposed building layouts
  • Pile layouts and location
  • Axis line layouts
  • Anchor Bolt/Steel Framing Plans
  • Foundation location surveys
  • Final C.O. Surveys for building departments signoffs
  • 3D High Definition Laser Scanning